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Организация XERIUS
Области, представляващи интерес
  • Природа и биоразнообразие
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  • птици
Тип на сътрудничество
Предишен опит по Програма LIFE
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Описание на организацията и опита (на английски)
Since 1999, Xerius has established a strong reputation as a trusted company in the defense, aerospace and industrial sectors. When facing nearly every major conservation problem from human-wildlife conflict to climate change, monitoring biodiversity and the movement of species is essential to our understanding of the ecosystems we’re protecting. Building on its core radiofrequency engineering background, Xerius decided in 2016 to create a specific department called XeriusTracking related to environment. Its goal is to support scientists, organisations and governments in their effort to monitor and protect biodiversity. For it, we developed miniaturised devices using GPS, Argos, UHF, GSM and Bluetooth technologies. Our main solution, BioLoc, comprises miniaturised GPS/UHF and Argos devices which can communicate using both Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) technology and a direct-to-satellite data link (Argos). It is a private and secure LPWAN network using an european certified frequency band. The use of geofencing to switch to an Argos satellite network when ground-based UHF communication networks are not within reach offers a hybrid Space-LPWAN solution, combining efficiency with global connectivity. The combination of UHF devices communicating with Argos technology is cutting-edge, mirroring state-of-the-art ‘IoT Sat’ systems which aim to provide Argos and UHF ultra-low power communication anywhere on earth. XeriusTracking has developed super-lightweight BioLoc transmitters which can be collared or back-packed on species. This system provide data for answering to human conflict with wildlife, habitat conservation, climate change,... Many subjects which will help us to better preserve our environment through data we got. World is changing quickly so we have to use quicker technologies [...]
Описание на организацията и опита (на български)
Референции на проекта
* Flamingos in Mexico * Houbara Bustard in Africa * Barn owl in Taiwan * Red-footed boobies in Seychelles * Brown hare in France * Caracaras in Argentina [...] Our solutions are supported by the French Ministry of Environment.


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