19 Aug, 2021 | 11:16
Poland’s first metropolis interested in project partnership for LIFE 2021
Metropolis GZM is Poland’s first metropolis, representing 41 cities and communes with a total area of 2,500 sq km, where 2.3 million residents live, with 240,000 companies and enterprises, generating approx. 8 percent of our country’s GDP.
For more inforamtion, please contact Damian Kołakowski at d.kolakowski@metropoliagzm.pl. A short description of the oranization's intent is available in the file here: GZM3. Read more about GZM on their website: https://metropoliagzm.pl/en/metropolia-dzis
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Our latest partner
Община Велики Преслав
Associated beneficiary
Public body
Ню Ай АД
Agency for regional and economic development - Vratsa
Associated beneficiary
Private non-commercial (including NGOs)
Агенция за регионално и икономическо развитие - Враца
Associated beneficiary
Private non-commercial (including NGOs)