AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Center for Energy

Обща информация

Организация AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Center for Energy
Области, представляващи интерес
  • Околна среда и ефективност на ресурсите
  • Управление на околната среда и информация
  • Адаптиране на изменението на климата
  • Интегрирани проекти
  • Смекчаване на изменението на климата
Интересувате ли се от международни проекти?
Ключови думи
  • околна среда
Тип на сътрудничество
Асоцииран бенефициент
Координиращ бенефициент
Предишен опит по Програма LIFE
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Образователна и/или изследователска институция
Описание на организацията и опита (на английски)
The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology is Austria’s largest non-university research and technology organization. With its eight Centers, AIT regards itself as a highly specialized research and development institution and concerns itself with the key infrastructure topics of the future. The Center for Energy is developing solutions designed to ensure a sustainable energy supply for the future, able to face the challenges of climate change and urbanization. In particular, the Research Field Integrated Energy Systems investigates among others the integration of energy infrastructures and develops innovative technical concepts and enablers (e.g. decentralized low-temperature and anergy networks, optimized storage operations) for integrating distributed renewables and alternative sources (e.g. waste heat, geothermal sources). A long experience in a number of national and international projects allowed AIT to gain qualifying skills in performing techno-economic feasibility and optimization studies for the integration of alternative sources in low- and ultra-low-temperature energy systems, included the assessment of geothermal sites from geoscientific data as well as the development of concepts and the definition of operating strategies for the integration of industrial waste heat, energy storage systems, heat pumps. AIT has thorough competences in measurement, monitoring as well as in the static and dynamic simulation of energy systems by means of tools developed e.g. in Matlab, Dymola/Modelica, Python, and including aspects such as: demand, generation, distribution, storage, operation, optimization, control. Specific measurement equipment is used in the campaigns and surveys required for the geo- and hydrothermal evaluations.
Описание на организацията и опита (на български)
Референции на проекта

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Center for Energy

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